Friday, December 28, 2012

December 28, 2012 Traveling Back to USA

This morning we got up somewhat later, because we had done our major packing last evening.  We went to Tatler for breakfast and used their WiFi to connect and email back home.  Around 10:30 pm we checked out of the hotel and drove to the airport to return the rental car and check-in for our flights.  Because checked bags have a 23 kg limit and carry-on a 7 kg , we had to move a couple of items to meet these restrictions.  Fortunately, the airport had free Wi-Fi and I could finish up posting pictures and information to the blog site.
Our NZ 644 flight was on time and we began our flight to Auckland where we have a 3 hr layover before our flight to Los Angeles this evening.  NZ 6 flight from Auckland to Los Angeles was also on time.  This flight took 11-1/2 hrs and arrived at 10:00 am (still December 28th!); 20 minutes ahead of schedule.  The process through customs was very easy and we proceeded to the Delta terminal to find that there was space on the 1:00 pm flight to Atlanta and they could place us on that flight.  Unfortunately, we had checked our checked through to Atlanta in Queenstown and we had dropped that luggage at the connecting flight station in customs.  That luggage could not now be retrieved and we could not be booked on the 1 pm flight without the luggage.  So, we will still arrive in Atlanta around midnight. 
Our Delta flight to Atlanta left 45 minutes late from LA, but we managed to make up that time and arrived at midnight.  Luggage was ready for pick-up when we got to baggage claim.  From there we went to the Park N Fly Plus pick-up spot and were taken to our car.  So, by 12:45 am (12/29/12) we were on the road to Birmingham.  Although there was a light rain most of the way, we made it home by 2:15 am.  What a wonderful trip!!!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

December 27, 2012

Today we decided to drive to Arrowtown, which is an old gold mining town about 25 km north of Queenstown.  When we arrived, Market Day was in progress and the city park was filled with booths containing homemade wares and food.  There were even homemade dog treats with free samples for the pets.  60 cm filled candy strips looked very interesting.  The Arrowtown Band was providing entertainment for the occasion and grilled, locally made sausages would be purchased for $3.  We had lunch at the Mundo CafĂ© before heading out for some wine tasting in the wine country.
After driving another 25 km we arrived in the Otago wine growing region (Gibbston Valley) of the South Island and selected the Remarkable Vineyard for a tastings.  For $5 each, we could taste 7 wines and these were poured by the owner, Richard Guthery.  We had a great visit, because we were the only tasters and he visited with us to describe his vineyard and his award winning wines produced in the 9 years he has owned the vineyard.  He previously owned a touring company on the north island, but sold that to produce wine. 
We drove back to Queenstown to enjoy our last evening in this beautiful city.  Tomorrow begins our long journey back to Birmingham.

Market Day

Homemade Dog Treats

60 cm Homemade Candy Strips

The Arrowtown Band

Band Pianist

Lunch at Mando Cafe

Metal Art

Remarkable Vineyard Owner

Remarkable Wine Tasting

Relaxing After a Long Day

December 26, 2012

Today was Boxing Day in New Zealand and this was another holiday.  We didn’t have anything planned other than relaxing and talking with Laura, Rachel, Emily & Sean, and Louis & Roxanna about what was happening on their Christmas.  We are 19 hours ahead of Birmingham time and 17 hours ahead of Walnut Creek time.  We Skyped with Emily, Sean, Laura, and Rachel and got a view of Olivia and Gavin’s Christmas.  Everyone was having a great time.

December 25, 2012 Christmas Day in Queenstown

Christmas day was beautiful and fairly warm (upper 80’s) in Queenstown.  After breakfast we walked to the Skyline Gondola station to board the gondola to the top of Bob’s peak.  Here there were spectacular views of Queenstown, Lake Wakatipu, and the surrounding mountains boarding the lake.  There were paragliders floating in the air, catching the updrafts coming from the lake and valley floor.  These were drifting past the observation deck and landing in a field in Queenstown. 
 As we left the gondola station and started to walk in Queenstown, we thought maybe we could attend the 11:00 am traditional Christmas Day service at St. Peters.  To our surprise we were able to obtain a seat when we got there 5 minutes before the service was to start.   Evidently the 9:30 am service was very packed and they were running late for the 11:00 am service.  This was more traditional and the priest had traditional vestments (no Santa hat today).  Again, the congregation was very international and several children were selected from the congregation to participate.
After the service, we returned to the hotel to dress up a little more for our 2:30 pm Christmas dinner seating at Tatler Restaurant.  Tatler had been our source of free internet since arriving in Queenstown, because they do not change their login password.  Most other places have a subscription service with a 30 min/50 mB limit and the password is acquired by making a purchase.  Christmas dinner (see menu) consisted by a Chicken and Wild Mushroom Terrine with artichokes in phyllo pastry cup; roasted turkey with dressing, roasted potatoes, and asparagus; and a dessert of Christmas pudding with red and purple currant garnish.  Everything was excellent and very delicious.
After such a large Christmas dinner, we took a walk along the lake to the Queenstown gardens located on a peninsular in the lake.  The day was just gorgeous, but with a strong breeze blowing across the lake that created white caps on the lake.  The Queenstown gardens have extensive rose and peony gardens with the roses in full bloom.  Again, the roses were absolutely gorgeous with large clumps of very large flowers (some 6-8” in diameter).  The peonies were past there blooming period.  The grounds also containing a bowling club with large bowling greens. 
We received pictures from Louis of their Christmas Even dinner preparations of Cornish Hens, Mashed Potatoes, Brussels Sprouts, and Christmas cookies.  Roxanna’s parents are leaving on Christmas morning to return home and they were having their Christmas dinner today.  The pictures indicated they were having a very picturesque and delicious dinner.

View of Lake Wakatipu an Queenstown from Bob's Peak

Paragliding above Queenstown

Tatler Restaurant

Christmas Dinner

Christmas Dinner Menu

Chicken and Wild Mushroom Terrine

Turkey and Dressing

Christmas Pudding

Hiking Along Lake Wakatipu Shorelink

Lake Wakatipu Shoreline

Queenstown Rose Gardens

Queenstown Bowling Club and Green

Iris and Small Lake in Queenstown Gardens

Crowded Queenstown Beach for Christmas

December 24, 2012

Today was a leisurely day spent walking and exploring Queenstown, which is located on Lake Wakatipu.  The lake is surrounded by mountains and this makes this a very picturesque place.  The city is really crowded for the holiday and the beach is packed with people in their 20’s drinking beer and in a festive mood.  The pictures for December 25th give you an idea of the beauty of the location. 
We had dinner and then went to St. Peters for their 10:00 pm Christmas Carols service.  The small church was packed by the time the service began and the priest came out in a white robe with a Santa Claus hat.  He remarked that he looked like Santa Claus and the very informal service program began and continued for an hour with the singing of Christmas carols and many light-hearted comments and the participation of people from the congregation.  The congregation that evening was very international with people from North American, Europe, Middle East, Asia, Australia, and New Zealand.   We were the most dressed up people in the congregation, because everyone attended just as they were wandering in off the streets and beach.  I was certainly glad to remove my Christmas tie, sports coat and white shirt not only because I was very overdressed, but the church was so warm that I was pretty soaked with sweat.  As midnight approached, fireworks were set-off on the lake and partying was the theme.

On the Wharf

Christmas Tree in Town Center

St. Peters

Priest in Santa Hat
