Monday, December 17, 2012

December 16, 2012 Free Day at Franz Josef

Today is a free day for hiking on the Franz Josef Glacier and selecting other optional activities.  The four of us are doing the Heli Hike in the morning and I am going to Okarito Lagoon for a kayaking Okarito Nature tour on the lagoon adjacent to the Tasman Sea.  Bev, Roxanna, and Louis are having massages in the afternoon.
As we walked to breakfast, we could see the sun shining through the clouds and we had a good view of the mountains from the dining room windows.  Following breakfast, those going on the Heli Hike met Nial at 8:40 am for the short walk to the Heli Hike headquarters where we checked-in, signed releases, and paid for the trip.  After another short walk to the helicopter pads to receive our boots, crampons, and jackets and board our helicopter (6 passengers) for the ride to the Franz Josef Glacier.  The views on the ride were spectacular of the mountains, glacial valley, waterfalls, and the glacier.  After flying over the glacier with a couple of dives, we circled the mountain face and descended to the glacier to join the previous two groups that had been transported to the glacier.  First we mounted our crampons to permit us to walk on the icy surface of the glacier.  We were fortunate to have a blue sky for our 2 hr period on the glacier, which allowed us to really see some of the deep blue ice.  Our guide, Andy, took us on a hike and pointed out the huge ice blocks, an ice cave produced by the pushing up of sections of the moving glacier, and the numerous “ice sculptures” produced by wind and rain.  The Franz Josef glacier moves about 1 m/day and has been receding for the past 10 years.  This glacier is unusual because it flows into a coastal temperate rain forest.  Although we were walking on ice, we were quite comfortable and warm with the sun shining on us.  Near the end of our time on the ice, the breeze coming from the glacier stopped and a big cloudbank proceeded toward the glacier.  After the first of our group left in the return helicopter, the cloudbank advanced and covered the upper regions of the glacier.  A second group of people arrived for the next hike and our second group left for home base.  At that point the home base made the decision to evacuate everyone from the glacier, because at the rate the cloudbank was advancing they would not be able to fly in to remove people.  After enlisting additional helicopters, we were taken back to home base at 12:30 pm.
We were met by our VBT guides and I remained with the van for the trip to Okarito while Bev, Louis, and Roxanna went back to the hotel to make their massage appointments.  After a 30 minute van ride to the Okarito Nature Tours site, we were provided a rain skirt and life jackets for the kayak trip on the Okarito Lagoon.  We had 2 hrs to explore the lagoon, which is tidal, and the creeks leading into the lagoon.  High tide was 4 pm, which is our departure time, and that permitted us to kayak almost anywhere in the shallow lagoon.  The channel was marked with wooden poles and I followed the yellow arrows that pointed the way to the first creek.  This took me inland through the marshes and shrubland areas that included a great diversity of plant life.  The creek got very narrow and included a small waterfall.  Ferns were abundant everywhere in this lush wetland area.  At 3:30 pm, I started the kayaking back to the nature tour site where we were served coffee before our departure to Franz Josepf.  This has been a very different day when you think that we hiked on a glacier in the morning and then after a 30 minute drive kayaked on a lagoon beside the Tasman sea.
We had a group meeting followed by dinner at the Franz Josef Scenic Hotel.  Tomorrow is a big cycling day with a possibility of 114 km when the early morning option is included.

View of Southern Alps from Hotel
All Checked in and Ready to Go

Getting Dressed with Glacier Gear
Time to Board

Approaching the Glacier

Over the Franz Josef Glacier

Franz Josef Glacier

One of Many Waterfalls

Coming in for a Landing


On the Glacier

We are Ready to Hike

Ice Flow

An Ice Cave

Hiking on the Glacier

Cold, but Beautiful Scenery

Natural "Ice Sculpture"

Front Moving In

Getting Out Just in Time
Made It!

Now For A Different Venue Today 

Let's Kayak Okarito Lagoon

On the Lagoon

Back Water Stream

Lush Vegetation 

Small Waterfall

Temperate Rainforest Vegetation

Great Way to Navigate the Streams

Heading Back to Base

Okarito Wharf

Cliffs on Tasman Sea Coast

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