Saturday, December 22, 2012

December 23, 2012 Relaxing in Te Anau

Today was a nice lazy day without anything really structured.  We decided to take the nature walk around the southern section of Lake Te Anau.  This took us to the conservation station for the Fiordland National Park with lots of information on the numerous tracks in the area.  Kepler Track begins on the far side of the lake and people were checking in for that hike.  The Milford Track also begins in the area.  We settled for south arm of Lake Te Anau.  The views across the lake with the mountains in the background were gorgeous.  A blue lake with snow capped mountains and a blue sky is so beautiful.  Late afternoon was spent finishing all the work on the blog site.  It is now up-to-date!
We also had an opportunity to catch up with everyone back home via Skype.  All is well!  Olivia and Gavin appeared to be excited for Christmas.  Gavin has now augmented his wish list.
Tomorrow we get back on the left-side of the road and head to Queenstown to celebrate Christmas.  Not wanting to take any chances, reservations have been made. 

Lakefront Lodge

Flowers at Lakefront

NW Across Lake Te Anau

Lake Te Anau
Lake Trail

1 comment:

  1. Blog is awesome!! Great to Skype last night. I hope it lets me post this comment.
