Thursday, December 27, 2012

December 27, 2012

Today we decided to drive to Arrowtown, which is an old gold mining town about 25 km north of Queenstown.  When we arrived, Market Day was in progress and the city park was filled with booths containing homemade wares and food.  There were even homemade dog treats with free samples for the pets.  60 cm filled candy strips looked very interesting.  The Arrowtown Band was providing entertainment for the occasion and grilled, locally made sausages would be purchased for $3.  We had lunch at the Mundo Café before heading out for some wine tasting in the wine country.
After driving another 25 km we arrived in the Otago wine growing region (Gibbston Valley) of the South Island and selected the Remarkable Vineyard for a tastings.  For $5 each, we could taste 7 wines and these were poured by the owner, Richard Guthery.  We had a great visit, because we were the only tasters and he visited with us to describe his vineyard and his award winning wines produced in the 9 years he has owned the vineyard.  He previously owned a touring company on the north island, but sold that to produce wine. 
We drove back to Queenstown to enjoy our last evening in this beautiful city.  Tomorrow begins our long journey back to Birmingham.

Market Day

Homemade Dog Treats

60 cm Homemade Candy Strips

The Arrowtown Band

Band Pianist

Lunch at Mando Cafe

Metal Art

Remarkable Vineyard Owner

Remarkable Wine Tasting

Relaxing After a Long Day

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